In the face of the new situation, we should go on working for the preservation of the existing legal regime for international arms control and disarmament and the maintenance of global strategic stability without subjecting the security of any country to jeopardy. 面对新的形势,我们理应继续致力于维护现有的国际军控与裁军法律体系,坚持在各国安全不受减损的基础上维护全球战略稳定。
Equity in a stock account above the legal limit required for margin maintenance in a long or short account. 保证金账户中超过利差要求,可以买入证券之那部分超额保证金。
Failure to provide for the maintenance of one's legal dependents. Convention on the recognition and enforcement of decisions relating to maintenance obligations 不履行赡养义务对某人法定的依靠人不尽赡养的义务承认及执行有关赡养义务裁决的公约
The legal tradition of "overall management" in China was a great significance for the maintenance of harmony in ancient Chinese society. “综合为治”的法律传统在我国古代社会的和谐发展中具有重要意义。
With the various legal responsibilities and implications involved, modern maintenance requires much expertise and sustained input. 现代大厦维修涉及不少法律和其他责任,故需要许多专业知识及持续进行。
It's significative to strengthen the transaction supervising and managing of listed company to protect the legal rights and interests of investors and maintenance capital market prosperity and stability. 加强上市公司关联交易的监管,对于保护投资者的合法权益、维护资本市场的繁荣与稳定具有十分重要的意义。
Finally, view form crisis management 、 legal protection and network application, this thesis discusses the brand maintenance of tourist destination. 从危机管理、法律保护、网络应用的角度阐述了如何维护旅游目的地品牌。
Improving the system of administrative compensation is not only necessity for establish the socialist legal state, but also absolutely necessity for maintenance public advantages and protect the administrative counterpart rights avoiding damage. 完善行政补偿制度不仅是建立社会主义法治国家所必需的,也是直接维护社会公共利益、保障行政相对人合法权益不受侵犯所必不可少的。
Along with the environment of macro-economics turn get warm, enterprise produces operation to last to the good pay of worker, have gotten corresponding raising, the legal rights and interests in the aspect of social security have gotten certain maintenance and reinforcement. 随着宏观经济环境的转暖,企业生产运营持续向好,劳动者的报酬得到了相应的提高,社会保障方面的合法权益得到了一定的维护和加强。
The realization of distributive value goal of course justice and result fairness cannot go without the legal function of affirmation and maintenance and recovery. 分配规则的正当性、分配过程的秩序性和分配结果的公平性等价值目标的实现,离不开法律的确认、维护与矫正功能的发挥。
There are three forms of legal regulation on the establishment of company defects, that is, the personality maintenance, denial and expansion of the company law. 各国对公司瑕疵设立的法人格规制主要有三种形式,即公司法人格之维持、公司法人格之否认与公司法人格之扩张。
They trust mainly were superintending tax, commonly legal cases, managing irrigation works, maintenance of social public security, relieving calamity, promotion of native education, culture and agricultural economical development. 其职责主要包括督课、受理盐场一般词讼,并负责管理盐场水利、维护盐场地方社会治安、赈济灾荒、促进地方教育、文化及农业经济发展。
Re-education through labor system is a unique legal system, since its inception nearly half a century, in the maintenance of national security and social stability, and prevent and reduce crime, education, etc. To save the young people has played a unique role. 劳动教养制度是我国独创的一项法律制度,自设立以来近半个世纪,在维护国家安全和社会稳定、预防和减少违法犯罪、教育挽救青少年等方面发挥了其独特的作用。
But in real life their legal rights and there is no effective protection and maintenance and leading to various social problems. 但是现实生活中他们的合法权益并没有得到有效的保障和维护,从而导致了各种社会问题的产生。
The constraints range of antitrust and unfair competition related legal constantly ups and downs, and the essence of the free market order maintenance issues. 反垄断和反不正当竞争有关法律的约束范围不断起伏变化,而其实质是自由市场秩序的维护问题。
Through legislation, developed countries have gradually established an efficient legal system of water rights trading, which plays an important role in the maintenance of national security and sustainable economic and social development. 发达国家通过立法逐步建立了高效完善的水权交易法律制度,在维护国家安全和经济社会可持续发展方面发挥了重要作用。
In this chapter, the author, by the path of objective legal order maintenance, probes into the logic and system construction of administrative "appeal-decision" relationship. 本章以行政客观法秩序维护为逻辑路径,探讨了行政诉判关系的逻辑与制度建构。
And just by its apparent legal meaning and strong value tool maintenance and shaping revolution expect renovation of the social relations. 而法律正是以其明显的工具意义和强烈的价值期待维护和塑造革命所改造的社会关系。
Not from the legal interests protected, but from the maintenance of social order and ethics perspective punishment, in violation of the principle of protection of legal interests. 不是从法益保护,而是从维护社会秩序和伦理观念的角度处罚,违反了法益保护原则。
The field of property law has been pursuing Legal Property, for the maintenance of the security of transactions and trading fair consideration, it requires the parties shall be arbitrarily create and change of property rights, which is directly in conflict with the principle of autonomy. 在物权法领域,出于维护交易安全及交易公平的考量,一直奉行物权法定主义,要求当事人不得任意创设和改变物权,与当事人意思自治原则相冲突。
Introducing the Community residential property legal system, the special maintenance funds of Laws, the difference between the concept of special maintenance funds and residential property maintenance funds, the legal system of community residential maintenance funds established and so on. 主要介绍了物业小区住宅专项维修资金法律制度产生的法渊、概念、住宅专项维修资金和物业维修基金的区别、物业小区住宅专项维修资金法律制度的建立等内容。
After the literati became the participants in the regime, they were had the certain legal characteristics. It reflected in attention to their legal literacy training and the maintenance of legitimate interests of the people. 士大夫阶层成为政权参与者之后,又具有一定的法律特质,体现为重视自身法律素养的培养和对百姓正当利益的维护。
The disappearance of legal norm, administrative benefit system cannot assume maintenance of citizens 'right to housing burden, become an obstacle to social development of one of the reasons why. 法律规范的缺失,导致行政给付制度不能承担维护公民住房权的重任,成为阻碍社会发展的原因之一。
Summary of marriage registration is important legal system, for the maintenance of the Socialist system of marriage and family. 婚姻登记是重要的法律制度,对于维护社会主义婚姻家庭制度具有重要意义。
The legal aid system began in the 19th century England, followed by national attention, and gradually developed into the maintenance of social equity and justice-an irreplaceable system. 法律援助制度始于19世纪的英国,此后受到各国重视,并逐步发展成为维护社会公平与正义的一项不可替代的制度。
It proved that by law the legal acts, legal documents and legal facts of the authenticity and legality, to prevent disputes and to reduce litigation, maintenance of security of transactions, the purpose of maintaining social stability. 它通过依法证明法律行为、有法律意义的文书和事实的真实性、合法性,达到预防纠纷、减少诉讼,维护交易安全,维护社会稳定的目的。
As the important legal system of insurance law, forced temporary insurance system reflects the interests of the maintenance of the applicant everywhere. 作为保险法学中的重要的法律制度,强制临时保险制度处处体现了对投保人利益的维护。
In the definition part, the author gave an explicit expression of the duty of marital maintenance by comprehending of legal system of maintenance and analyzing conditions and objects of maintenance. 界定部分通过对夫妻扶养制度概念的分析,明确何谓夫妻扶养义务。
Before the founding of new China, most self-restraint as the guiding ideology of feudal legal, played an important role at that time of the social life, and played the maintenance of local social order purpose. 新中国成立之前,村规民约大部分以封建礼法为指导思想,在当时的社会生活当中发挥了重要的作用,起到了维护乡土社会秩序的目的。